Welp, it’s been a long 9 months but I’m delighted to announce that Counter Clockwise is back! ♡

Just in time for the 2nd year anniversary, too! 🎂

Last year I created this video speedpainting all of the work that went into making the
comic from 2022-2023 (Pages 1-73)

This year I bring the website back from the grave! And I’m happy to announce that regular
Thursday updates HAVE resumed. 💃🎉

If you’ve been here before, you may notice that the entire website got a glow up. (No more ugly wix
banner, yay!)

There’s a number of reasons why the comic went on this big hiatus, but the current ongoing genocide
in Gaza brought to my attention the fact that Wix is an Israeli company, so I cancelled my contract with them immediately back in Novmber, and I encourage others to boycott these companies as well.

I’m using Bluehost/Wordpress now and it’s going well! As far as I’m aware they don’t support genocide, the features are 10x better than wix, AND it’s much easier on my wallet. 😂

Which leads me to the other reason why CCW took so long to come back. Full disclosure, I lost my job and got very depressed. 😔 I’m doing better now though and I’m very committed to making this story happen! If you’re reading this, thanks so much for being here. ♡

If you’re financially stable and would like to support the comic, I’ll be relaunching my patreon again soon, and I also take donations via ko-fi.

If you can spare anything at all, please consider donating to Palestinian first, though.

Thanks so much for reading, and here’s to another year of CCW! 🥰


Counter Clockwise || © Alex Koch 2022-2024